
Mac OS: disable startup

How to disable Mysql at startup in Mac OS X

1- Open hostconfig file in vi editor : vi /etc/hostconfig
2- Change "MYSQLCOM=-YES-" to "MYSQLCOM=-NO-"
3- Save and exit


EJBCA: Install JBoss

pitfall, there is a bug for 5.1 GA which is has error on initiation because missing parameter. Here it is you can look for the correction.


don't forget that you might want to shutdown the service. command is shutdown.sh -S

JDK: Install on OSX

First, download dmg package from google code. double click and drag to the point that directed. second thing is set the JAVA_HOME path to the new one.

Default path can not be override based on the README.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home

write on your ~/.profile

The main thing is get your symbolic link on the /usr/bin/java* redirect to the new folder.

EJBCA: Revisit

After long time none post I made, here it is revisit EJBCA since 2008 for the first time installing based on Win platform. Now, I'm trying to install based on OSX (Mountain Lion).

Step I've already set:
1. Download Ejbca.
2. Download JBoss 5.1 (don't be tempted with luxury 7.x, because it result error compiled).
3. Already have java for OSX, now I moved out with OpenJDK. same problem with point 3rd, error compilation.